MARCH 4, 2013

7:00 P.M.


CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the Board of Education for the Hayes Center Public Schools District #43-0079 was held on Monday, March 4, 2013 in the Music Room at the High School. Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication and posted in accordance with the Board policy of giving notice of such meetings. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all Board members.

ROLL CALL- President Anderjaska called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. with Superintendent Ron Howard, Principal Peggy Pruter, and Board members Joe Anderjaska, Connie Brott, Britt Hill, Eric Hill, Marian Richards and Bob Rosno present.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.

RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Anderjaska thanked the large crowd of patrons for coming and reminded visitors to sign in if they wished to address the board.

RECOGNITION OF OPEN MEETINGS ACT POSTER -The Open Meetings Act Poster was in the room and recognized by President Anderjaska.

ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA: Rosno moved, seconded by E. Hill, to adopt the agenda. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Brott,  B.Hill, E. Hill, Richards, Rosno. Voting no: None.  Motion passed 6-0.

AUDIENCE COMMUNICATIONS: Jessica McKinney wanted to share their support of the co-op with Wauneta/Palisade. Cami Cox  presented her  reasons for supporting the co-op with Wauneta/Palisade.

Randy Geier, Superintendent of Wauneta/Palisade, clarified that this would be a co-op of sports only and not a consolidation. Mr. Geier wants everyone to consider doing what’s right for kids.  Dixie Eckhoff questioned whether any representatives from other area schools were present or if they had been invited or notified and presented her concerns. President Anderjaska acknowledged that we had sent letters to Maywood, Hitchcock Co., Wauneta/Palisade and Wallace about a possible co-op.  We received answers from Wauneta/Palisade that they were definitely interested, Maywood is interested but didn’t want to travel the dirt road, Hitchcock County was not interested, Wallace did not get the letter due to a change from a P.O. Box to a street address but they will discuss it at their meeting next Monday and get back to us.

SERVICES REPORT- NONE                                                                                                                                                  TEACHER ASSOCIATION UPDATE-NONE 

BOARD MEMBER/COMMITTEE REPORTS/REQUESTS: Americanism/Communications/Curriculum/School Improvement Committee met at 6:15 P.M. to discuss the 2013-14 School Calendar. Richards reported that of the two drafts presented the committee was in favor of Draft 1 with a few minor changes. This will be an action item in April. Transportation/Building and Grounds Committee met at 6:30 P.M. Eric Hill reported that the committee met with Mr. Bishop about bus maintenance. The committee recommends that the Hayes County Co-op will continue to help with the bus brakes since they have the necessary equipment but Gregg will do other maintenance.  The committee working on the potential cooperative sports agreement met at 6:45 P.M. with Wauneta/Palisade’s representatives, Mr. Randy Geier and Joe Frecks. Rosno reported that they had a short meeting and questioned whether the two boards should meet for a discussion.  Our board still wants to seek input from surveys and public meetings to see what the community thinks and do what the majority thinks is best for the kids. B. Hill commented that we need to have a town hall meeting or survey to share opinions and seek input from the taxpayers. Anderjaska moved the co-op discussion to this point in the meeting to accommodate the patrons that were present. He did talk to NSAA and found out the various deadlines for cooperative agreements. The NSAA representative Anderjaska talked to informed him that we could co-op all sports but football because we are in the middle of a two-year cycle. He did hear that Wauneta/Palisade got a different answer when they called. There was more discussion of how to handle practice, and other potential issues. Brott voiced concerns about not knowing how this will affect school attendance in Hayes Center with some patrons threatening to opt out if we do co-op and others are threatening to opt out if we don’t co-op. Brott stated that we don’t know the true feelings of the community and we need to know that before we can make an informed decision.  There is legitimate concern on both sides. Britt Hill asked for a Special Meeting for the board to discuss and figure out where we are as a board. We need to discuss the concerns we have heard from patrons and a plan for how to get answers, so we can proceed in the best way for the district. After further discussion, it was decided to have a Special Meeting on Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. to lay out our expectations as a board and present them to Wauneta/Palisade to see if we have a reason to meet with their board.

Anderjaska declared a short recess at 8:12 P.M. The board returned at 8:17 P.M.


PRINCIPAL’S REPORT - Mrs Pruter reported on the various activities at the school- Student Activities: Boys and Girls Basketball wrapped up their seasons in February. In spite of illnesses and injuries both teams had a good season. Track practice has begun with approximately 11 girls and 11 boys out. The first meet will be March 23rd. FFA participated in the second Career Development Day and received a number of red and white ribbons. The Speech Team participated in a meet in Medicine Valley on February 13th. The team placed 6th overall with students placing from 1st to 8th in their events.  Our 4th grade students participated in the National Assessment of Academic Progress on Feb. 13th. We will not receive individual scores back on these tests. Their scores will become part of the nationwide scores in the “Nation’s Report Card”. Three students from each grade represented the school at the Hayes-Hitchcock County Spelling Bee last week. William Tidyman placed first in the junior high qualifying him for the State Bee. We had several other place winners: Victoriah Deaver 1st; Peyton Cox 2nd; Cora Wolford 3rd; Jaycee Lapp 3rd; Reilly Fichtner 2nd; and Megan Tidyman 3rd. We just received word today that Abigail Soncksen qualified for the State Geography Bee. She will compete on April 5th in Omaha. Nine students participated in the Career Discovery Days program at McCook Community Hospital. Students selected six sessions of hands-on activities to learn about occupations in the health career field. The Elementary students participated in activities to celebrate Dr. Seuss Read Across America day and Nebraska’s Birthday. Clint Livingston was the featured speaker for Nebraska day. Today we started our spring MAP testing. This is our achievement test. We will be testing for the better part of three weeks. After telling the students that we are looking for growth patterns to determine summer school attendance, the students really seemed to try hard on the first round of testing. We won’t know scores until testing is complete, but Mrs. Pruter believe we will notice a difference. The State testing window opens at the end of the month. On Wednesday we will participate in a distance learning program listening to Inge Auerbacher talk about her experiences of being a child in a concentration camp during WWII. Wahoo Schools is sponsoring her speech. With a total of about 2100 people from across the state registered, they had to book a second speaker for the afternoon session. School Improvement: All four core curriculum areas have met this month. Reading, Math and Science have nearly completed their work for this year. Social Studies just got a start and will continue next year. Next year teachers will be teaching the agreed upon curriculum and identifying resources used to teach the standards. In addition we will build benchmark tests to make sure the students are mastering the material as we proceed. Feb. 18th In-service day: Staff members divided up into five main committees to begin work on the strategic plan. Each committee made some preliminary suggestions and will meet again next week. Teachers worked on becoming familiar with the various tests the students take and learned ways to help students approach test questions. Teachers also worked on graphing student data. On the next in-service day we will focus on student led conferences and will work with the Strategic Plan committees. On March 21st we will participate in the ILCD Phase three state review for Special Education. Mrs. Lacey and Mrs. Pruter have been putting together a PowerPoint to present to the team. On April 11th Mr. Barger and Mrs. Pruter will represent the school at a Title I Peer Review. Our Title plans will be evaluated by other school representatives that day and we will help evaluate the plans of other schools.

ACTION ITEMS- CONSENT AGENDA- Rosno moved, seconded by E.Hill, to approve the consent agenda consisting of the approval of minutes for February  11, 2013 Regular meeting and approval of  March General Fund claims of $22,333.66. Voting yes: Brott, B. Hill, E. Hill, Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

BOARD POLICY 1012 – CONFLICT OF INTEREST- 2nd Reading- Rosno moved, seconded by Richards, to approve second reading of Board Policy 1012. Voting yes: B. Hill, E. Hill, Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska, Brott . Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

BOARD POLICY 1134 – BOARD OPERATING PRINCIPLES-2nd Reading-Rosno moved, seconded by Brott, to approve second reading of Policy 1134.  Voting yes: E. Hill, Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska, Brott, B. Hill. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

BOARD POLICY 2020.1-2nd Reading- Richards moved, seconded by E. Hill, to approve second reading of Policy 2020.1  Voting yes:  Richards, Anderjaska, Brott, B. Hill. Voting no: Rosno, E. Hill. Motion passed 4-2.

BOARD POLICY REVIEW OF 1000 AND 2000 POLICIES – 2nd READING- E. Hill moved, seconded by Rosno, to approve second reading of 1000 and 2000 policies. Voting yes: Rosno, Anderjaska, Brott, B. Hill, E. Hill, Richards. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

BOARD POLICY REVIEW OF 3000 POLICIES – Richards presented a list of several typos that need corrected; no policy changes. Richards moved, seconded by Brott, to approve first reading of the 3000 Policy as corrected. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Brott, B. Hill, E.Hill, Richards, Rosno. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

APPROVE 2013-2014 ASSESSMENT, CURRICULUM, AND DATA COORDINATOR CONTRACT- Richards moved, seconded by E. Hill, to approve the 2013-14 Assessment, Curriculum, and Data Coordinator Contract. Voting yes: Brott, B. Hill, E.Hill, Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

DISCUSSION- School Calendar-discussed above in committee reports.

INFORMATION ONLY-Report on potential position openings-Mr. Howard reported that he received five applicants for the Math position and will be interviewing two candidates. Only two applications were received for the Counselor position so far. Mr. Howard has extended the application deadline.


FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS/OTHER-Strategic Plan/E-Meetings/Legislative Update/Financial Update/ School Calendar

President Anderjaska adjourned the meeting at 8:29 P.M.

The next regular scheduled meeting of the board of education will be April 8, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.


Submitted by Marian Richards, Board Secretary


These are a full draft of the minutes that will be considered for approval at the next regular Board meeting.

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