May 14, 2012
8:00 P.M.
CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the Board of Education for the
Hayes Center Public Schools District #43-0079 was held on Monday, May 14, 2012
in the Conference Room at the High School. Notice of the meeting was given in
advance by publication and posted in accordance with the Board policy of giving
notice of such meetings. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all
Board members.
ROLL CALL- President Anderjaska called the meeting to
order at 8:10 P.M. with Superintendent Ron Howard, Principal Peggy Pruter, and
Board members Joe Anderjaska, Kevin Large, Kris Kressin, Marian Richards, and
Bob Rosno present. Randy Richter was absent. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by
the fourth grade class and recited by those in attendance.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Anderjaska reminded the visitors to fill out the sign-in sheet if they wished to address the board.
RECOGNITION OF OPEN MEETINGS ACTPOSTER-The Open Meetings Act Poster was in the room and recognized by President Anderjaska.
ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA: Large moved, seconded by Richards, to adopt the agenda. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Kressin, Large, Richards, Rosno. Voting no: none. Absent: Richter. Motion passed 5-0.
Mrs. Carfield-visited with the board about the Earth and Space Science unit the Fifth grade did. They did the test review using QR codes in a scavenger hunt. They had clues to find the codes and then had to use their I-pads scanning app to decipher the code, answer the question and get the clue to find the next code. She is hoping to do more with QR codes and utilizing the I-pads next year.
Brett Warren –gave a new web site update. He showed the board the new layout and features and explained the new web site is more user friendly with articles, weather, scrolling school calendar, sports information, easy to navigate links, features for Websis so parents can check grades, student handbooks, board policies, etc. and that the new site should be live next month.
Mr. Howard also pointed out the First Grade’s President’s reports hanging on the wall of the board room. The reports were very well written and the penmanship and art work was very impressive.
BOARD MEMBER/COMMITTEE REPORTS/REQUESTS: BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE REPORT: Kressin gave a report on the walk-through of the teacherages and the repairs needed.
President Anderjaska read a letter of resignation from board Vice-President Randy Richter.
NEGOTIATIONS-The Negotiations teams met and discussions are continuing.
SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT-Mr. Howard reported that there was a Kindergarten round-up last Friday and we are expecting 10 Kindergartners and approximately four Pre-K students next year. He expects numbers to be down for the next couple of years. BCBS increased approximately 3% for around $6,000 for next year.
Some open positions have been filled; Dishwasher/Pre-school Para will be Tiffany Dow; Dove Lacey will coach Jr. Varsity volleyball and Ashli Cox will coach the Jr. High girls.
PRINCIPAL’S REPORT:Mrs. Pruter reported that: the Seniors participated in County Government Day on April 10th; the Honor Society inducted 9 new members on April 10th; District Music contests-All students participating in the District Music Contest at Imperial received 1’s and 2’s. Kaitlin Howard received a Judge’s Award for her trumpet solo. Congratulations Kaitlin! Spring Music Concert was well attended. Ms. Allen is to be commended for an outstanding year. She also asked Mrs. Pruter to convey how much they enjoyed going to the District Music Contest in Imperial. They were treated very professionally, everything was very well planned and they were very impressed with it being there. North Platte Inter-high day-Hayes Center had three medalists which gave our school three scholarships to give out, and had 15 students ranked in the top 10 of their respective tests. FFA Banquet-was held April 26th. New officers were inducted, awards were announced, and Mr. Howard was honored with an Honorary Membership because of his support of their organization. Officers will be taking part in Leadership Training toward the end of the month. The Administration would like to thank Mr. Cooper for his dedication and work with FFA and the Ag Program this year. Track -the students made a good showing at the conference meet in spite of the weather. Two students qualified in six events for the State Track meet, they will leave on Thursday. Coach Frecks, Coach Wagner, and Coach Mark have done a good job with the team this year. State Journalism-Adam received a first place award; Branson received a fourth place award at State. Seniors–had a good trip to the Black Hills in late April, the Korell’s treated them to a senior dinner at their home in McCook, we had a well-executed graduation-20 students graduated Saturday. These students will be attending a variety of schools and/or work options and earned an outstanding number of scholarships. Thanks to Mr. Wortman for his hard work this year. Elementary-the Elementary students had a fun field day thanks to Mr. Frecks and the seniors. They will be completing their field trips this week. Honors Banquet- tomorrow night at 7:00. Migrant Summer School- we will be hosting Migrant summer school May 29th-June 14th. This is a chance for qualifying students to build their skills that they might have missed during the school year.
Mr. Howard informed the board that we sent out letters expressing to parents that we may possibly be having summer school. This is a work in progress. It should be finalized by next week whether we are having it or not. It would be something along the line of three or four hours/day, four days/week for two to three weeks, as a refresher. There are about 15-20 students that would benefit from summer school.
President Anderjaska commented to Mrs. Carfield on how much his son enjoyed the 4th-5th-and 6th grade field trip to Pioneer Village and the Archway Monument.
ACTION ITEMS-CONSENT AGENDA-Richards requested that the March minutes be acted on separately.
Richards moved, seconded by Large, to approve the March 19th minutes with corrections. Voting yes: Kressin, Large, Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska. Voting no: none. Motion passed 5-0.
Richards moved, seconded by Large, to approve the remaining consent agenda consisting of Approval of Minutes for April 9 Regular Meeting, the May General Fund claims of $251,635.78(payroll-$136,078.59 claims-$115,557.19) and the Bond Interest Payment of $38,836.25. Voting yes: Large, Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska, Kressin. Voting no: none. Motion passed 5-0.
REVIEW BOARD POLICIES 1000 AND 2000 – 1ST READING-Rosno moved, seconded by Richards, to approve first reading of the 1000 policy. Discussion:Joe reiterated that these are the changes recommended by NASB. Kressin questioned changes concerning chain of command that he thought needed to be made that were discussed and approved in December but voted against in January. He would like to see two board members be able to put an item on the agenda. Anderjaska reminded him that the NASB representative recommended leaving our policy as is. Mr. Anderjaska is planning on having Marcia Herring, of the NASB, come to do a Board Workshop/Goal Setting session where we can discuss these issues. Mr. Howard reminded the board that any time you are dealing with a child situation you are probably always going to end up in executive session if it is something the board feels has been handled incorrectly by a staff member, so the process where the parent goes through the chain of command and comes to the board and in audience communication says I’ve gone through the process and don’t feel vindicated, probably then leads to the board having a discussion with the staff member to see where things are so the board can determine whether to take it any further with the parent which would have to be done in executive session. You want to limit someone coming to the board and requesting an executive session without going through the chain of command. Kressin has a concern of the time it may take to get through the process. Comments were made that special meetings could be used to tighten up the process if needed. Anderjaska had concerns about making sure things were addressed legally and that the process needs to be followed. Kressin was reminded that there is a policy in place which allows two members to call a special meeting to address a particular issue.
Kressin moved, seconded by Rosno, to amend the motion to include the corrections that were voted on and approved at the December meeting. Voting yes: Kressin, Rosno.Voting no: Richards, Large, Anderjaska. Motion failed 2-3.
Rosno moved, seconded by Richards, to approve first reading of the 1000 policy. Voting yes: Rosno, Anderjaska, Large, Richards. Voting no: Kressin. Motion passed 4-1.
REVIEW BOARD POLICIES 2000 , 3000 AND 4000 – 2ND READING-Richards moved, seconded by Large, to approve the second reading of policies 2000 and 3000 with corrections, and table second reading of the 4000 policy for corrections. There was discussion on the wording of Policy 2020.1 Expenditure Authorization. Richards re-read the motion: Richards moved, seconded by Large, to approve second reading of policies 2000 and 3000 with corrections, and table second reading of the 4000 policy for corrections. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Kressin, Large, Richards, Rosno. Voting no: none. Motion passed 5-0.
moved, seconded by Anderjaska, to approve the first reading of 5000 and 7000
policies. Voting yes: Kressin, Large, Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska. Voting no:
none. Motion passed 5–0.
SUMMER PROJECTS BIDS-Mr. Howard is having a hard time getting
more than one bid on most of the summer projects.
He presented several items for consideration. Richards moved, seconded by Large,
to proceed with the summer projects. Discussion followed as to what all should
be included in the projects list. The following bids will be put on hold to get
more information: 0475-to get bids with other types of siding, 0476-The board
requested a structure analysis on the old gym at the Elementary because of the
cracking in several areas and at the High School as long as they are doing the
Elementary, 0477- Mr. Howard will get more bids for the cement work needing done
at the new building to include a wider sidewalk/driveway.
Kressin moved, seconded by Rosno, to amend the motion to include teacherage
improvements as recommended by the Building Committee. After discussion there
were items discussed at previous meetings that needed to be added to the summer
project list that would not be included in this motion. Richards re-read the
motion-Kressin moved, seconded by Rosno, to amend the motion to include
teacherage improvements as recommended by the Building Committee. Voting yes:
Kressin. Voting no: Large, Anderjaska, Rosno, Richards. Motion failed 1-4.
Anderjaska suggested voting on each item separately.
Richards moved, seconded by Large to proceed with the summer projects – Samway
carpet bid. Voting yes: Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska, Kressin, Large. Voting no:
none. Motion passed 5-0.
Richards moved, seconded by Large, to proceed with the Arrowcraft bid for the
Elementary awning. Voting yes: Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Kressin.
Voting no: none. Motion passed 5-0.
Large moved, seconded by Rosno, to proceed with the Choice Plumbing bid on the
drain at the Elementary. Discussion followed concerning only having one bid.
Richards re-read the motion. Voting
yes: Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Rosno. Voting no: Kressin. Motion passed 4-1.
Rosno moved, seconded by Anderjaska, to purchase Option 1 walk-in freezer.
Discussion: again Kressin had concerns about only having one bid. Mr. Howard
will check to see if the bid is still valid since this bid was given in February
and he will try to get a second bid.
Kressin moved, seconded by Rosno to table. Voting yes: Large, Kressin, Rosno,
Richards. Voting no: Anderjaska. Motion
passed 4-1.
Large moved, seconded by Rosno, to do the teacherages as per the recommendation
of the Buildings and Grounds Committee. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Kressin, Rosno,
Richards, Large. Voting no: none. Motion passed 5-0.
HOT LUNCH PRICE 2012-2013-Mr.
Howard asked the board to approve a ten cent increase across the board in lunch
fees for next year. He explained that the Federal Government requires the
district to follow a formula for lunch prices. According to the formula we were
six cents short of the requirement but if we go to a ten cent increase there
should be no need for an increase the following year.
Rosno moved, seconded by Large, to approve a ten cent increase across the board
for the hot lunch program, as mandated by the Federal Government. Voting yes:
Kressin, Large, Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska. Voting no: none. Motion passed 5-0.
APPROVAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER CONTRACT-Mr. Howard has offered this position to Dove Lacy. In his opinion, Dove will be a great addition to our staff. She has already taken a few courses which will allow her to receive a provisional Special Education certificate; this is good for three years, while she completes her Master’s degree.
Rosno moved, seconded by Kressin, to approve Dove Lacey for the Special
Education position. Voting yes: Large, Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska, Kressin.
Voting no: none. Motion passed 5-0.
Howard has recommend Jeffery Barger for this position. Jeffery has one year of
experience as a teacher in Stratton. Jeffery previously had applied for the 5th
grade position last year. The Para portion of this position is not certified
and he will be performing these responsibilities as well.
Kressin moved, seconded by Large, to offer Jeffery Barger the Title/HAL
position. Voting yes: Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska, Kressin, Large. Voting no:
none. Motion passed 5-0.
JUNIOR HIGH SPORTS POLICY-Mr. Howard included a sample policy in the board packets which will allow us to combine girls and boys sports and/or add sixth grade to the mix if needed. We will not need to address our co-op with Wauneta through the upcoming year, unless the board would like to do something different, as we approved the Junior HighFootball Co-op without a time or year limitation on it last February.
Rosno moved, seconded by Large, to approve the Junior High Sports Policy. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Large, Richards, Rosno. Voting no: Kressin. Motion passed 4-1.
Bus loading – Mr. Howard, Mr. Bishop,
and Mr. Cox visited about several options. Anderjaska questioned about opening
up the area in front by taking out approximately ten parking spaces to be used
for bus loading and unloading. The concern is the kids going between parked
vehicles to get to the buses. There will be more discussion at the board
Filling Board vacancy procedure-The
school attorney recommended listing the position in the paper for two weeks and
accepting letters of interest so the position can be filled at the June meeting.
Written letters of interest will be accepted until the end of May.
June Board meeting date- Joe will be
unable to attend our regularly scheduled June board meeting, the latest we could
schedule the meeting would be June 18th. After discussion it was
decided that June 4 would be better for everyone.
Class schedule-Mrs. Pruter informed
the board that they have already started pre-registration of classes and have
found some holes and conflicts that they will be trying to work out.
School improvement audit report- we
had six recommendations that are already being addressed.
CORRESPONDENCE-Thank You from Miss Allen for the memorial, Thank You from Hayes Center AWANA Club for the use of the school, Thank You from the CCD group for the use of the school.
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS-Negotiations, Classified staff salaries, Course schedule, Board policies 1000, 5000 & 7000s, Board Appointment through December 2014.
ADJOURNMENT-President Anderjaska adjourned the meeting at 10:40 P.M.
The next regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, June 4, 2012, at 8:00 P.M., in the High School Conference Room.
These are a full
draft of the minutes that will be considered for approval at the next regular
Board meeting.
Hayes Center Public School | 1MONTHLY PAPER LIST | |||||||
05/22/2012 | 01:50 PM | |||||||
Vendor Name | Amount | |||||||
Checking Account: | 1 | Fund: | 01 | GENERAL FUND | ||||
7-D LOCKSHOP | 687.00 | |||||||
ACME-TOUCH PRINTING | 172.67 | |||||||
AMFIRST INSURANCE SERVICE | 54,737.00 | |||||||
BRICO PEST CONTROL | 60.00 | |||||||
CENTURION HOLDINGS I LLC | 438.60 | |||||||
CUSTOM TROPHY & ENGRAVING | 906.80 | |||||||
D & S HARDWARE | 32.94 | |||||||
E. D. ENTERPRISES INC. | 98.45 | |||||||
EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT #15 | 8,086.00 | |||||||
EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT 10 | 40.00 | |||||||
FARMTEK | 217.04 | |||||||
GRANT TRIBUNE SENTINEL | 88.50 | |||||||
HARDING & SHULTZ, P.C. L.L.O. | 1,240.00 | |||||||
HAYES CENTER FFA | 37.80 | |||||||
HAYES COUNTY FARMERS COOP | 3,391.91 | |||||||
HIRERIGHT SOLUTIONS INC. | 27.15 | |||||||
HOMETOWN LEASING | 744.15 | |||||||
HOT LUNCH FUND | 150.00 | |||||||
J.W. PEPPER & SON, INC. | 37.79 | |||||||
JEFFERS, CHEYENNE | 126.00 | |||||||
KAPLAN | 166.20 | |||||||
LAKESHORE | 373.36 | |||||||
LAWSON, LISA | 40.00 | |||||||
LEARNING WRAP-UPS | 309.69 | |||||||
MALLECK OIL COMPANY | 1,459.19 | |||||||
MARCO PRODUCTS INC | 79.02 | |||||||
MATHESON TRI-GAS, INC | 40.40 | |||||||
MCCOOK CLINIC P.C. | 330.26 | |||||||
MCCOOK DAILY GAZETTE | 696.00 | |||||||
MENARDS | 41.86 | |||||||
NORTH PLATTE TELEGRAPH | 748.31 | |||||||
PC MALL GOV. | 10,738.32 | |||||||
PEARSON EDUCATION INC | 333.52 | |||||||
PETTY CASH-GENERAL FUND HCPS | 1,395.91 | |||||||
POSITIVE PROMOTIONS | 101.25 | |||||||
PRAIRIE STATES COMM. INC. | 900.00 | |||||||
QUILL | 27.99 | |||||||
REALLY GOOD STUFF INC | 837.11 | |||||||
RENAISSANCE LEARNING INC | 1,539.00 | |||||||
ROCHESTER 100 INC | 77.43 | |||||||
SCHOLASTIC INC. | 22.48 | |||||||
SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC | 233.59 | |||||||
SCOOP MEDIA LLC | 462.09 | |||||||
SCOTT'S GROCERY L.L.C. | 190.08 | |||||||
THERAPY P.C. | ||||||||
SOUTHWEST PUBLIC POWER | 2,359.62 | |||||||
SUMMIT LEARNING | 114.01 | |||||||
SUTHERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS | 1,457.84 | |||||||
TEACHER DIRECT | 130.24 | |||||||
THE SPORTS SHOPPE | 52.00 | |||||||
TIGER DIRECT | 1,718.46 | |||||||
TREND ENTERPRISES, INC | 101.66 | |||||||
U. S. BANK | 1,481.09 | |||||||
VAN DIEST SUPPLY COMPANY | 585.25 | |||||||
VILLAGE OF HAYES CENTER | 1,389.31 | |||||||
WALMART COMMUNITY/GEMB | 18.77 | |||||||
WARREN, BRETT | 2,591.88 | |||||||
WEBB BODY SHOP INC | 2,798.80 | |||||||
WILKINSON, SHELLEY | 226.38 | |||||||
MAY GENERAL FUND PAYROLL | 136078.59 | |||||||
Fund Total: | 251,635.78 |
Board of Education
Mid Month Report
May 24, 2012