DECEMBER 10, 2012

7:00 P.M.

CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the Board of Education for the Hayes Center Public Schools District #43-0079 was held on Monday, December 10, 2012 in the Conference Room at the High School. Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication and posted in accordance with the Board policy of giving notice of such meetings. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all Board members.

ROLL CALL- President Anderjaska called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. with Superintendent Ron Howard, Principal Peggy Pruter, and Board members Joe Anderjaska, Britt Hill, Kevin Large, Kris Kressin, Marian Richards, and Bob Rosno present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.

RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Anderjaska reminded visitors to sign in if they wished to address the board.

RECOGNITION OF OPEN MEETINGS ACT POSTER -The Open Meetings Act Poster was in the room and recognized by President Anderjaska.

ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA: Large moved, seconded by Hill, to adopt the agenda. Kressin moved, seconded by Rosno, to amend the agenda to remove action items 1C and 3. After discussion Richards re-read the motion: Kressin moved, seconded by Rosno, to amend the agenda to remove action items 1C and 3.  Voting yes: Kressin, Rosno. Voting no: Hill, Large, Richards, Anderjaska. Motion failed 2-4.  Richards re-read the original motion: Large moved, seconded by Hill, to adopt the agenda. Voting yes:Large, Richards, Anderjaska, Hill. Voting no: Kressin, Rosno.Motion passed 4-2.

AUDIENCE COMMUNICATIONS: Kressin voiced his opinion on the sidewalk repair and Mr. Howard’s evaluation. Mrs. Jeffers did a presentation showing the board some of the projects the Kindergarten class has done so far this year. They have been very busy learning about days of the week, months of the year, holidays, writing numbers and letters, and listening to stories and then telling what facts they learned from them.

Taylor Cooper thanked the Board for supporting her trip to the National FFA convention and gave a report of her various activities at the convention.

President Anderjaska thanked Kris Kressin and Kevin Large and presented each of them with a clock in appreciation for their years of service on the board. There was also a cake that was enjoyed after the meeting was adjourned.




SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT- Annual staff Christmas dinner  Mr. Howard reported that forty-plus people attended the Christmas dinner. New building repairs –Mr. Howard is in the process of seeking bids for repair. In the meantime the eaves on the south end have been insulated to keep the birds out of the drop ceiling area.

Nutrition Snack Program- The elementary students have really enjoyed the afternoon snack program. Teachers have reported that the students seem to have a better attention span after snacks and there are less complaints of being hungry later in the afternoon. Grant Application-Mr. Howard has applied for a $5,000 grant to help with upper level and dual credit classes. He reported that it appears we will be receiving the Applegate Grant in January. This will enable us to begin the “Enhanced Learning Styles” project.

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT- Mrs. Pruter reported that even though we were between sports seasons our students were very busy with activities.  Kaitlin Howard performed in the All State Choir in Lincoln on Nov. 15 & 16; the One Act Play production students presented their play at RPAC conference where they came in 7th; they performed for the students and the public and had their final competition at Districts where they come in 4th. At the RPAC contest acting awards were won by Joey Anderjaska, Seth Gohl, Kaitlin Howard and Whitney Rosno. Outstanding actors at the District competition were Seth Gohl, Joey Anderjaska, Kaitlin Howard, and Kelsey Ridlen. FFA participated in the District Leadership Skills contests in Curtis on Dec. 5th.  Three students received blue ribbons with Weston Richards and Taylor Cooper  placing 4th overall in their contests. Several other entries received red ribbons. On Nov. 27th the FFA went to livestock judging in Curtis. We came away with a mixture of white, red, blue and purple ribbons. In the senior division Kerbie Large placed 4th and Seth Gohl placed 3rd overall; the division team of Seth Gohl, Kerbie Large, Sara Wright and Tristan Johnson placed 2nd overall. The annual Christmas card design contest was won by Megan Tidyman this year – her design and the other entries are displayed in the art case in the hallway. The opening Junior High ballgames were last week and the mixed team performed well against the Hitchcock County boys team. Coming up we have Geography Bee tomorrow afternoon, the Christmas program next week and ballgames in between. In other news, at the teacher in-service day on Nov. 14th, Scott Jones the distance learning coordinator came and talked to us about the virtual fieldtrip services offered by the ESU. A virtual field trip is a live interactive discussion/workshop about a specific topic – last year we had a puppet field trip on the topic of spiders. This year the K-4 will be doing polar bears. There are a wide range of topics available. These field trips give our students a chance to experience something they might never get to see – such as the USS Arizona or the Holocaust Museum, led by people who are experts. So far this year the Math, Language Arts and on Wednesday, the Science teachers will have met to work on curriculum. The data committee spent a day gathering and compiling data to help us in our school improvement efforts.

Mrs. Pruter also addressed the State of the Schools report. She explained test scoring and rankings and how to understand that scoring. The teachers and administration are working on Strategic planning, Essential Learnings Curriculum writing, and guarantees from grade to grade-this will be a multi-year intensive project. They also plan to visit schools with improvement programs in place to see if there are some strategies we could use.

ACTION ITEMS- CONSENT AGENDA-Large moved, seconded by Hill, to approve the consent agenda. Kressin requested that each item be voted on separately. Voting yes: Large, Richards, Anderjaska, Hill, Kressin. Voting no: Rosno. Motion passed 5-1.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR NOVEMBER 12, 2012 REGULAR MEETING-Anderjaska moved, seconded by Large, to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2012 meeting as amended. Voting yes: Hill, Large, Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska. Voting no: Kressin. Motion passed 5-1.

APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL OCTOBER PAYROLL - $1,749.34-Richards moved, seconded by Hill, to approve the additional October payroll of $1,749.34. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Hill, Large, Richards, Voting no: Rosno, Kressin. Motion passed 4-2.

APPROVAL OF OCTOBER BUILDING FUND CLAIM OF $1,245.00-Hill moved, seconded by Large, to pay the October Building Fund claim of $1,245.00. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Hill, Large, Richards. Voting no: Kressin, Rosno. Motion passed 4-2.


Richards moved, seconded by Hill, to approve the November General Fund claims of $183,345.10 (PAYROLL-$146,619.05- CLAIMS-$36,726.05)Voting yes: Hill, Large, Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska, Kressin. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

CHANGE TO 2012-2013 TEACHER NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT-The HCEA sent a letter to the board requesting a change in the agreement. Kressin moved, seconded by Large, to change the deductible from $350 to $500 on the Teacher’s Negotiated Agreement. Voting yes: Kressin, Large, Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska, Hill. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

STAFF CHRISTMAS GIFT- Kressin moved, seconded by Rosno, to table. Voting yes: Rosno, Kressin, Large. Voting no: Anderjaska, Hill, Richards. Motion failed 3-3.

Anderjaska moved, seconded by Richards, to offer a staff Christmas bonus of $50. Discussion followed with some clarification of how the bonus will be disbursed. Richards re-read the motion: Anderjaska moved, seconded by Richards, to offer a staff Christmas bonus of $50. Voting yes: Richards, Anderjaska, Hill, Large. Voting no: Rosno, Kressin. Motion passed 4-2.

SALE OF OBSOLETE STUDENT LAPTOP COMPUTERS-Mr. Howard requested approval for the sale of the old computers.  Ronso moved, seconded by Hill, to sell the obsolete student laptops with the receipts to be deposited to the Depreciation Fund.  Voting yes: Rosno, Anderjaska, Hill, Large, Kressin, Richards. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

2011-2012 FINANCIAL AUDIT- Richards moved, seconded by Large, to approve the Financial Audit. Voting yes: Rosno, Anderjaska, Hill, Large, Richards. Voting no: Kressin. Motion passed 5-1.

DISCUSSION: EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES – Wauneta-Palisade has requested that we meet with them to discuss a cooperative including a discussion about high school sports. This will take place when the new board is in place. SUPERINTENDENT EVALUATION- The Superintendent Evaluation was done in accordance with NASB recommendations. All Board members were asked to submit their individual evaluations to President Anderjaska by November 30th.  Five board members returned their individual evaluations which were compiled and presented to Mr. Howard last week. Majority opinions were compiled to determine whether Mr. Howard met or did not meet district standards. Minority opinions were included word-for-word on the back of the compiled evaluation. President Anderjaska reported at the meeting that Mr. Howard met district standards in each area. Mr. Howard will receive a copy of both the compiled evaluation and each individual evaluation.

INFORMATION ONLY- ESU 15 & 16 Board Member Workshop January 23 in North Platte.  All members are encouraged to attend.

CORRESPONDENCE-Thank you’s were received from Justin Hamilton, Ms. Allen, Gregg & Jeanne Bishop, and Ann Fornoff.      




The next regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be January 14, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.


________________________________________             _________________________________________

President                                                     Secretary

These are a full draft of the minutes that will be considered for approval at the next regular Board meeting.