September 13, 2010
7:30 P.M
The Board
of Education for the Hayes Center Public Schools District #43-0079 held a Budget
Hearing on Monday, September 13, 2010 in the Conference Room at the High School.
Notice of the hearing was given in advance by publication and posting in
accordance with the Board policy of giving notice of such hearings. Notice of
this hearing was given in advance to all Board members.
Large called the hearing to order at 7:32 P.M. with Superintendent Ron Howard,
Principal Brian Hof, and Board members Kevin Large, Kris Kressin, Marian
Richards, Bob Rosno, and Joe Anderjaska present.
Randy Richter was absent.
The Open
Meetings Law Poster was on display and recognized by President Large.
PURPOSE: A public hearing is being conducted for the purpose of receiving
comments, concerns, suggestions or ideas from the public on the following topic:
Consideration by
the Board of Education to approve or amend the 2010-2011 School District Budget
for Hayes Center Public School.
moved, seconded by Kressin, to approve the agenda. Voting yes: Rosno, Richards,
Large, Anderjaska, Kressin. Voting no: none. Absent: Richter. Motion passed 5-0.
arrived at 7:40 P.M.
PUBLIC COMMENT- Kressin had questions about the carryover and the amount put
into the Depreciation Fund. Mr. Howard explained the reason for not putting
$280,000 in the Depreciation Fund but in a Depreciation line item in the budget
as the Depreciation Fund had to be under the 45% cap and the $280,000 would have
put it over the cap. It is still available for use for depreciable items.
There was no other public comment.
President Large adjourned the hearing at 7:51 P.M.
President Secretary
September 13, 2010
The Board of Education for the Hayes Center Public Schools District #43-0079 held the Final Property Tax Request Hearing on Monday, September 13, 2010 in the Conference Room at the High School. Notice of the hearing was given in advance by publication and posting in accordance with the Board policy of giving notice of such hearings. Notice of this hearing was given in advance to all Board members.
President Large called the hearing to order at 7:52 P.M. with Superintendent Ron Howard, Principal Brian Hof,and Board members Kevin Large, Kris Kressin, Marian Richards, Randy Richter, Bob Rosno, and Joe Anderjaska present.
There were no visitors present wishing to address the board.
The Open Meetings Law Poster was on display and recognized by President Large.
hearing is being conducted for the purpose of receiving comments, concerns,
suggestions or ideas from the public on the following topic:
Consideration by the Board of
Education to approve or amend the 2010-2011 Property Tax request as follows:
Fund |
Proposed Property Tax
Request |
Proposed Tax Rate |
General Fund |
1,767,595.62 |
0.997987 |
Bond Fund |
191,249.68 |
0.107980 |
Special Building Fund |
35,602.02 |
0.020101 |
Qualified Capital Purpose
Undertaking Fund |
9,124.24 |
0.005152 |
moved , seconded by Richter to approve the agenda. Voting yes: Rosno, Richards,
Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
COMMENT- There were no comments from the audience. Mr. Howard further clarified
Kressin’s question on the Depreciation fund and the General fund.
President Large adjourned the meeting at 8:07 P.M.
_________________________________________ ______________________________________
September 13, 2010
8:00 P.M.
The Board of Education for the Hayes Center Public Schools District #43-0079 held its regular board meeting on Monday, September 13, 2010 in the Conference Room at the High School. Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication and posting in accordance with the Board policy of giving notice of such meetings. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all Board members.
President Large called the meeting to order at 8:07 P.M. with Superintendent Ron Howard, Principal Brian Hof, and Board members Kevin Large, Kris Kressin, Marian Richards, Randy Richter, Bob Rosno, and Joe Anderjaska present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.
There were no visitors present wishing to address the board.
The Open Meetings Law Poster was on display and recognized by President Large.
Kressin moved, seconded by Anderjaska, to approve the agenda as amended with the addition of item 3-Adopt 2010-2011 Tax Request Resolution. Voting yes: Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
BOARD MEMBER/COMMITTEE REPORTS/REQUESTS-Anderjaska inquired about possible safety issues with bus loading and unloading at the High School. Mr. Howard addressed the concerns and does not believe there is a safety issue at this time.
SUPERINTENDENT REPORT- Mr. Howard reported that repairs on the teacherage at 506 Hayes Ave have been completed and everything looks great. He also reported on bids from NMC for a skid steer lease as requested by the board and on attendance at Parent’s night activities with 65% of K-6 and 45% of 7-12 parents attending. The Board was reminded of the NASB State Convention November 17-19.
PRINCIPAL REPORT-There was a transformer fire at the elementary school. Everyone did a great job of clearing the building and keeping students safe. Mr. Hof met with Mr. Frecks and discussed the possible need to coop or discontinue Jr. High Football because of low student numbers. Options are being explored at this time. There was also discussion of the no zero policy that has been in effect the past couple of years. Mr. Hof could not find anything in written policy and recommended to discontinue the no zero practice so students would be more accountable.
ACTION ITEMS-CONSENT AGENDA- Kressin questioned whether the cost of the board minutes in the paper is by the word or how it is figured, he would like the full version for official minutes and a condensed version for the paper to save money.
Kressin moved, seconded by Rosno to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of Approval of Minutes of the August 9th Regular meeting, Workshop and Parental Involvement Hearing; Approval of Minutes of the August 30th Special Meeting; Approval of the September General Fund claims of $163,742.32; Approval of August Depreciation Fund claims of $7,165.00; and Approval of the August Building Fund claim of $1,500.00. Voting yes: Large, Anderjaska, Richter,Kressin, Rosno, Richards.Voting no:none. Motion passed 6-0.
ADOPT FINAL 2010-2011 BUDGET-Anderjaska went on record to say it was nice to see the levy under $1 but with some tax payers having to borrow money to pay their taxes he would like to see an honest effort to drop the levy further.
Kressin moved, seconded by Richter to adopt the Final 2010-2011 Budget. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
ADOPT 2010-2011 TAX REQUEST RESOLUTION-President Large read the following resolution:
WHEREAS, public notice was given at least five days in advance of a Special Public Hearing called for the purpose of discussing and approving or modifying the District’s Tax Requests for the 2010-2011 school fiscal year for the General Fund, Bond Fund, Special Building Fund, and Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund of Hayes County School District #43-0079; and,
WHEREAS, such Special Public Hearing was held before the Board of Education of Hayes County School District #43-0079 at the time, date, and place announced in the notice published in a newspaper of general circulation, a copy of which notice and proof of publication of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, all as required by law; and,
WHEREAS, the Board provided an opportunity to receive comment, information and evidence from persons in attendance at such Special Hearing; and,
WHEREAS, the Board, after having reviewed the District’s Tax Requests for each said fund, and after public consideration of the matter, has determined that the Final Tax Request as listed below are necessary in order to carry out the functions of the District, as determined by the Board for the 2010-2011 school fiscal year.
NOW BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that (1) the Tax Request for the General Fund should be, and hereby is set at $1,767,595.62; (2) the Tax Request for the Bond Fund should be, and hereby is set at $191,249.68; (3) the Tax Request for the Special Building Fund should be, and hereby is set at $35,602.02; and (4) the Tax Request for the qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund should be, and hereby is set at $9,124.24 .
It is so moved by Kris Kressin and seconded by Randy Richter this 13th day of September, 2010.
Roll Call vote as follows: Kevin Large:YES, Randy Richter:YES, Marian Richards:YES, Bob Rosno:YES, Joe Anderjaska:YES, Kris Kressin:YES
The undersigned herewith certifies, as Secretary of the Board of Education of Hayes County School District #43-0079, that the above Resolution was duly adopted by a majority of said Board at a duly constituted public meeting of said Board. Marian Richards, Secretary
APPROVE DISTRICT GOALS-Anderjaska moved, seconded by Richter, to approve the District Goals for 2010-2011. Voting yes: Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Richter. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
The goals will be listed on the web site and in the school news letter.
AMEND BOARD POLICY 2020.1- Kressin moved, seconded by Rosno, to amend Board Policy 2020.1 to increase spending authorization for the Superintendent from $750.00 to $1,500.00.
Voting yes: Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin. Motion passed 6-0.
APPROVE PURCHASE OF CAFETERIA TABLES- Richter moved, seconded by Kressin, to approve the purchase of three cafeteria tables.
Voting yes: Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
APPROVE LOCAL SUBSTITUTES-There was some concern as to whether Richards was able to serve on the board and substitute. Nebraska law states that a teacher cannot be a board member. There is no problem with a substitute or other school employee being a board member as long as policies are followed.
Anderjaska moved, seconded by Kressin to approve the Local Substitutes-Marian Richards, Lichelle Large, and Kimberly Hendricks.
Voting yes: Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin. Voting no: Rosno. Abstaining: Large, Richards. Motion passed 3-1 with 2 abstentions.
Kressin moved, seconded by Rosno, to table Amending the Start Time of Regular Board Meetings until the January meeting. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
APPROVE SIDING AND PAINTING/SEALING OF BLOCK ON FRONT OF NEW BUILDING-Kressin moved, seconded by Rosno, to table the Building Improvements until another bid is received.
Voting yes: Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska. Voting no: Richter. Motion passed 5-1.
DISCUSSION-PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT INSPECTION-Southwest Ne Public Health has taken swab samples from the walls of the high school to determine if there is any mold present in the building. Results will not be available until September 17th.
LITIGATION REPORT-The mold and construction issues and concerns have been presented to the school attorneys. They are in the process of working with BD Construction lawyers to hopefully come to an amicable agreement.
INFORMATION ONLY-SAFETY INSPECTION REPORT-The annual safety inspection has been completed. There are a few issues that need to be rectified but no major concerns.
TEACHERAGE AT 409 HUGHES AVE- Dimas’s have been notified of the board’s intent to sell the teacherage. An ad will be running in the paper over the next several weeks with the final sales date set for November 5, 2010.
CAMERAS IN THE CLASSROOM- Per board request the teachers were polled in regard to “cameras in the classroom”. A majority of the teachers do not want cameras in the classrooms. Survey results are available in the Superintendent’s office.
President Large adjourned the meeting at 9:47 P.M.
The next regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, October 11, 2010 at 8:00 P.M. CDT in the High School Conference Room.
_____________________________________ _______________________________________
President Secretary