June 13, 2011

 8:00 P.M.



The regular meeting of the Board of Education for the Hayes Center Public Schools District #43-0079 was held on Monday, June 13, 2011 in the Conference Room at the High School. Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication and posting in accordance with the Board policy of giving notice of such meetings. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all Board members.

ROLL CALL- President Large called the meeting to order at 8:07 P.M. with Superintendent Ron Howard and Board members Joe Anderjaska, Kevin Large, Kris Kressin, Marian Richards, Randy Richter, and Bob Rosno present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.

RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Large reminded the visitors present to fill out the form if they wished to address the board. Patty Gohl was the only visitor present wishing to address the Board.


Richter moved, seconded by Kressin, to separate the minutes from the consent agenda. Voting yes: Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards. Voting no: None. Motion passed 6-0.

The Open Meetings Law Poster was on display and recognized by President Large.

AUDIENCE COMMUNICATIONS-Patty Gohl addressed the board with concerns as to why the minutes have not been in the paper, when they would be published and why the date for publication had been changed. President Large addressed the concerns and questions. The minutes had not been printed because they did not meet board requirements set at a previous meeting to only put the action item and resulting vote and there was also a vote not to publish minutes until they were approved at the following month’s meeting. An unapproved version of the minutes was available in the office for public review.

SERVICES REPORT: SUMMER PROJECTS REPORT-Mr. Howard asked the board for a decision on the roof repairs. He also reported that the carpet has been ordered and the rooms where it will be installed are cleaned out and ready to go. The showers have been torn out and the tile work is to begin next week.

TEACHERAGES- Teacherages need some work done.


BOARD MEMBER/COMMITTEE REPORTS/REQUESTS: Richter requested balance sheets.

The building committee walked through  the teacherages-Kressin reported that the yellow house is livable-it is in better shape than it was three years ago and single teacher would appreciate the lower rent as-is than if we had to increase rent because we did work on it. The Principal’s house needs cleaned, a rotten board in the basement replaced and the dirt on the outside re-sloped so water doesn’t go in the basement. The committee recommended against pursuing the purchase of the low rent apartments because they didn’t want to be responsible for what might happen with the possibility of  four single people living under one roof.

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT-Mr. Howard showed the board the painting of the original school that was donated to the school by the Alumni Association. It was painted by Angela Orman Hansen and will be hanging in the office. The Alumni Association will be selling prints of the painting as a fund raiser.

Mr. Howard will be starting interviews for the Elementary Secretary, Para and Custodial positions next week.  He gave the board an inspiring State of the Schools report after which, he received generous applause from the audience. Richter questioned Mr. Howard about the beginning balance and where the extra money came from. Mr. Howard replied to his questions about the left over funds and different areas it could be placed in the budget if it was not spent. He would like to see the district continue to reserve monies but use them as needed and save for a rainy day but continue to provide for and improve our facilities. Kressin questioned about money that was put in the Depreciation fund last year and how that ended up being dispersed. Mr. Howard informed him that it was put back into the General Fund and re-budgeted.


ACTION ITEMS-CONSENT AGENDA: Rosno moved, seconded by Anderjaska, to approve the claims consisting of May extra payroll of $1,108.32, The June General Fund Claims of $211,329.45 (payroll $136,215.93  claims $75,113.52), and the Bond Fund claim of $350.00. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.


Richards re-submitted the original April 11 minutes and full minutes for the May 9 and May 18th meetings. She then read a statement to the board that after visiting with Kelley Baker, the school attorney, she had decided to resubmit the minutes because, according to Mr. Baker, fuller official minutes are in the best interest of the district. She also pointed out the Secretary’s statutory obligations and penalties. If the board wants to strike something they can do it but it will be printed with the strike-out so the board and public know that there was not too much stricken. A concise summary should be printed in the paper within the 10 days according to statute and can carry a disclaimer that they are concise minutes with a full copy of the minutes available for inspection at the office and that they will be considered for approval at the next regular meeting.

The board members then read through the three sets of minutes and made additions and corrections.

 Anderjaska moved, seconded by Large, to accept the resubmitted minutes for April 11, May 9th and May 18th.

Kressin moved, seconded by Anderjaska, to amend the minutes and include corrections.Voting yes: Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Richter. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

Anderjaska moved, seconded by Large, to approve the minutes as amended. Voting yes: Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.


Anderjaska moved, seconded by Rosno, to approve 2nd reading of all Board Policies.

Kressin moved, seconded by Richter, to amend policy 1111 by striking “by 24 hours preceding the regular meeting” and adding, “or the Board President 24 hours before the regular scheduled meeting”. Voting yes: Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

Anderjaska moved, seconded by Rosno, to approve 2nd reading of all board policies as amended. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

APPROVE TEACHER CONTRACT- Mr. Howard recommended approval of the VoAg contract for Mr. Tracy Cooper.

Rosno moved, seconded by Anderjaska, to offer a contract to Mr. Cooper. Voting yes: Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES FORMAT-  There was discussion of the format to be used for official board minutes and minutes for publication in the paper. Concise minutes will be published with full minutes to be used as Official Board Minutes.

Anderjaska moved, seconded by Kressin, to use a format that carries the full body and substance of the meeting.

Richards moved, seconded by Anderjaska, to amend the main motion to include audio recording of the meetings to be available for download.  Voting yes: Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Richards. Voting no: Rosno. Motion passed 5-1.

Anderjaska moved, seconded by Kressin, to use a format that carries the full body and substance of the meetings and to include audio recording of the meetings to be available for download. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Richards, Large. Voting no: Rosno. Motion passed 5-1.


Anderjaska moved, seconded by Rosno, to accept the Walters bid for lighting at the Elementary.

Kressin questioned whether all fixtures should be replaced. Discussion followed.

Kressin moved, seconded by Large, to amend the main motion to replace all lighting fixtures at the Elementary excluding the gym. Voting yes: Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large, Richter. Voting no: Anderjaska. Motion passed 5-1.

Anderjaska moved, seconded by Rosno, to accept the Walters bid to replace all lighting fixtures at the Elementary excluding the gym. Voting yes: Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

ATTENDANCE POLICY- The School Improvement Committee has been working on a new attendance policy. This policy has the approval of SIP, staff and administration. There was discussion on how many absences could be accumulated and the consequences, the importance of students being in class, and hardships in scheduling appointments.

Anderjaska moved, seconded by Richards, to accept the SIP Committee’s Attendance Policy and Thank Mrs. Maucher and the SIP committee who all put in many, many hours working on the policy. Voting yes: Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Kressin, Ronso. Voting no: Richter. Motion passed 5-1.

APPROVAL OF HANDBOOKS-Rosno moved, seconded by Anderjaska, to table approval of the handbooks until next month so we can all read them. Voting yes: Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards. Voting no: none.  Motion passed 6-0.

FOOTBALL HELMET APPROVAL-There was discussion of only purchasing a few helmets this year and replacing existing helmets over the next few years. Mr. Howard pointed out that the helmets we have, are approved, have been inspected and refurbished and are ready for this year. Kressin questioned possible safety issues.

Kressin moved, seconded by Rosno, to buy 25 High Impact helmets with facemasks. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

ELEMENTARY SECRETARY POSITION BENEFIT PACKAGE-Mr. Howard recommended the Elementary and High School secretaries receive the same benefit package-either nothing for both or insurance for both-currently the Elementary position has insurance while the High School position does not.

Anderjaska moved, seconded by Kressin, to hire an Elementary Secretary on a 185 day contract with no health insurance. Voting yes: Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

CERTIFIED STAFF SALARY NEGOTIATIONS-The Teacher’s Association made an offer to the Board Negotiations Committee to settle for an $800 increase in base. The Negotiations Committee recommended accepting their offer as this would put the district in the top half of the array.

Anderjaska moved, seconded by Large, to accept the offer from the Teacher’s Association. Voting yes: Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Richter. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

CLASSIFIED STAFF SALARY PROPOSAL FOR 2011-12- Mr. Howard recommended a 3.5% increase for classified staff. Kressin questioned the amount of the percentage of increase compared to the percentage of certified staff increase. Mr. Howard pointed out that most of the classified staff does not receive health insurance while certified staff does.

  Anderjaska moved, seconded by Large, to approve a 3.5% increase for classified staff, excluding bus drivers. Voting yes; Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Rosno. Voting no: Kressin. Motion passed 5-1.

SUPERINTENDENT CONTRACT ASSIGNMENT AND WORDING-There was some concern as to division of duties and the possibility of a part-time principal on the superintendent contract could earn tenure. According to our school attorney only a ½ time or more principal can get tenured.

Anderjaska moved, seconded by Richards, to add a line to the contract after paragraph one to read-Superintendent 70% / Principal 30%. Voting yes: Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

APPROVE DL CONTRACT FOR ART- Our current DL provider only offers one period of art, Sutherland will offer three. The cost of the teacher salary will be shared by the two districts but there will be no other teacher benefits costs to the Hayes Center district.

Anderjaska moved, seconded by Rosno, to approve the DL contract for Art with Sutherland. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

DISCUSSION: SUPERINTENDENT EVALUATION: Mr. Howard requested that his evaluation be held in open session. There was a very lengthy evaluation done with Mr. Howard meeting district standards in all areas.




President Large adjourned the meeting at 12:20 A.M.


The next regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, July 11, 2011, at 8:00 P.M., in the High School Conference Room.



________________________________                    ___________________________________

Board President                                                          Board Secretary