The regular meeting of the Board of Education for the Hayes Center Public Schools District #43-0079 was held on Monday, July 11, 2011 in the Conference Room at the High School. Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication and posting in accordance with the Board policy of giving notice of such meetings. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all Board members.
ROLL CALL- President Large called the
meeting to order at 8:08 P.M. with Superintendent Ron Howard and Board members
Joe Anderjaska, Kevin Large, Kris Kressin, Marian Richards, Randy Richter, and
Bob Rosno present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Large reminded the visitors present to fill out the form if they wished to address the board. Barry Richards and Dixie Eckhoff were the only visitors present wishing to address the Board.
The Open Meetings Law Poster was on display and recognized by President Large.
moved, seconded by Kressin, to adopt the agenda. Voting yes: Rosno, Richards,
Large, Anderjaska, Kressin,. Voting no: Richter. Motion passed 5-1.
SERVICES REPORT:SUMMER PROJECTS REPORT-Mr. Howard reported on the status of the summer projects: the staff has been doing lots of cleaning-gym floors in both buildings are finished- plumbing in the concession stand is done-plumbing work is being done in the yellow teacherage- the Hof house has been cleaned-tile floor in locker room is ¾ done-carpeting has been laid-lights in the elementary building are done and are a huge improvement-new riser pipe has been installed at football field, the PVC pipe that was there had been vandalized; it has been replaced with a steel pipe –the ventilation system in the locker room still needs to be done-work is being done to reinstall and change access to the servers-changed and updated wireless infrastructure so internet will be upgraded a great deal . Everything is coming along great.
BOARD MEMBER/COMMITTEE REPORTS/REQUESTS: Kressin requested a breakdown of the legal fees to date. Large gave a reminder that we need to hold the annual Board Retreat before the August meeting to do goal setting and work on strategies for savings and budgeting. There was discussion and it was decided that the retreat would take place August 15th from 6:00-7:30 P.M. before the regular meeting at 8:00 P.M.
Richter had comments and questions about the State of the Schools address last month. He wanted clarification on the starting cash balance and end fund balance. There was a lot of discussion concerning the budget with Richter and Kressin seeking to clarify what actions had taken place with the previous vs. current administration. Mr. Howard reiterated that it wasn’t about the previous administration or Ron Howard but that the district is in very good shape financially. Kressin had questions about actual vs. budgeted dollars and the 45% carryover. He also brought up the area of Capital Outlay as a budget item and possibly lowering the levy. There were questions on the Qualified Capital Purchase Fund and what it could be used for. It is to be used for safety type issues and is not the same as a Capital Outlay Fund.
There was substantial storm/hail damage to a couple of buses and suburbans, all teacherage and school building roofs and the football fieldhouse roof, some teacherage windows, windows in the old gym, and the kitchen cooler. Arrowcraft has submitted bids for the roofs of the school buildings which have been approved by the insurance adjustor. We are awaiting bids on the teacherage roofs-all four need to be re-done. Kressin requested that Mr. Howard get bids on the 60’s addition for a sloped metal roof and asked Mr. Howard to inquire of the insurance company about the possibility of using money from hail damage to help offset the cost.
A former employee of the district has filed for unemployment, Mr. Howard has appealed and the hearing will be July 18th by phone.
ACTION ITEMS-CONSENT AGENDA: Richards requested that the minutes be moved outside the consent agenda.
Rosno moved, seconded by Large, to approve the July General Fund Claims of $162,313.34 (payroll $118,632.46 claims $43,680.88). Kressin had a question on payroll concerning Mr. Hof. Mr. Howard will check with Mrs. Bishop on whether Mr. Hof received his check or not. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 11, 2011, MAY 9, 2011, AND JUNE 13 REGULAR MEETINGS. Large would like the May 9 minutes to reflect the verbal exchange between Mr. Sherman and Mr. Howard and the April 11 minutes to show that it was Richter’s belief that the Board President and Superintendent were in violation of policy 1111. Mr. Large disagreed that he was in violation of policy, that it was within his rights as President not to include something on the agenda. According to policy and per Kelley Baker, the School Attorney, it is up to the President and/or Superintendent’s discretion whether or not to put an item on the agenda.
moved, seconded by Richards, to approve the April 11, May 9th and
June 13th as corrected.
Voting yes: Richter, Kressin, Rosno,
Richards, Large, Anderjaska. Voting no:none. Motion passed 6-0.
BOARD POLICY 1110.1- Mr. Howard recommended a change to the policy since the board had voted to start audio recording of the meetings. Kressin suggested adding a notation rather than getting rid of the policy in case there would be a time the board would want to rescind the action to record meetings.
Kressin moved, seconded by Richter, to make a notation to clarify Policy 1110.1 that on June 13, 2011 the Hayes Center School Board moved to record their minutes. The audio will be available for download from the website, according to the timeline set by State Statute.Voting yes: Kressin, Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Richter.Voting no:Rosno. Motion passed 5-1.
APPROVE 5TH GRADE TEACHER CONTRACT- Mr. Howard received 16 applications for the position and interviewed three. He believes Kalie Carfield will be a good fit for the school and recommended her for the position.
Rosno moved, seconded by Kressin, to approve the 5th grade contract. Voting yes: Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
APPROVAL OF HANDBOOKS-Anderjaska moved, seconded by Kressin, to approve the handbooks as presented.
Discussion: Kressin had questions about classified compensation, duties, leaves etc. and would like to add it to the agenda for next time.
Voting yes: Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
APPROVE THE NASB CONSORTIUM MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT- Mr. Howard informed the board this is an annual agreement effective September 1st. The district has to have it.
Anderjaska moved, seconded by Rosno, to approve the NASB Consortium Membership Agreement. Voting yes: Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
BUS DRIVER 2011-2012 SALARIES- Mr. Howard was asked to include this on the agenda. There will be five bus routes and four suburban routes. They are working on routes so the kids spend less time on the bus. Kressin requested the compensation information from last year. There was discussion on sending this to committee to get more information.
Anderjaska moved, seconded by Kressin, to send this to the Transportation Committee for a recommendation at next month’s meeting, with Anderjaska as Chairman. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
Mr. Bishop and Mr. Howard will be a part of the meeting.
APPROVAL OF NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT: Kressin had questions on #4 Extra Duty Assignments on the negotiated contract. He also questioned the compensation for extra duties for non- certified staff. The Negotiations Committees will meet before the end of the year to discuss item #4.
Rosno moved, seconded by Richards, to approve the Negotiated contract. The Negotiations Committees will review item #4 Extra Duty Assignments for future contract consideration. Voting yes: Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
DISCUSSION ITEMS: EXTRACURRICULAR CO-OP-Sports cycles are decided in November for the next two years. We need to start considering options. For the next cycle there may only be 18 boys in Hayes Center, the following cycle may only be 14 boys. Wauneta-Palisade is very interested in cooping. Mr. Howard will visit with some of the other schools who may be in the same position to see if they may be going to 6-man. There will opportunity for parental/public input before a decision is made.
PRINCIPAL EVALUATION PROCEDURE AND TOOL-The district needs to come up with an evaluation tool for Superintendent/Principal so it can be approved by the state. Mr. Howard will check with some other schools to see how they handle evaluating the combination position.
–Board members are encouraged to attend
EXECUTIVE SESSION:Kressin moved, seconded by Rosno, to go into Executive Session to discuss possible litigation and protect the interests of the district. Voting yes: Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Richter. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
The board entered Executive Session at 10:15 P.M.- The Board came out of Executive Session at 10:34 P.M.
President Large adjourned the meeting at 10:36 P.M.
The next regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, August 8, 2011, at 8:00 P.M., in the High School Conference Room.
These are a full draft of the minutes that will
be considered for approval at the next regular Board meeting.
Hayes Center Public School | 1MONTHLY PAPER LIST | ||||||||
07/19/2011 | 09:29 AM | JULY 2011 GENERAL FUND CLAIMS | |||||||
Vendor Name | Amount | ||||||||
Checking Account: | 1 | Fund: | 01 | GENERAL FUND | |||||
ARROW SEED COMPANY INC | 2,026.85 | ||||||||
ATLAS PEN & PENCIL | 30.68 | ||||||||
BLICK ART MATERIALS | 200.45 | ||||||||
BRICO PEST CONTROL | 60.00 | ||||||||
CUSTOM TROPHY & ENGRAVING | 785.45 | ||||||||
DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS | 751.63 | ||||||||
EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT #15 | 546.00 | ||||||||
HAMPTON INN NORTH PLATTE | 104.00 | ||||||||
HARDING & SHULTZ, P.C. L.L.O. | 1,127.50 | ||||||||
HAYES COUNTY FARMERS COOP | 3,455.17 | ||||||||
HERSHBERGER'S MUSIC | 79.00 | ||||||||
HIGHSMITH, INC | 79.56 | ||||||||
HIRERIGHT SOLUTIONS INC. | 164.90 | ||||||||
HOMETOWN LEASING | 744.15 | ||||||||
J.W. PEPPER & SON, INC. | 84.99 | ||||||||
KBA | 399.60 | ||||||||
KILDARE LUMBER | 160.64 | ||||||||
MALOUF & ASSOCIATES | 6,044.92 | ||||||||
MATHESON TRI-GAS, INC | 56.50 | ||||||||
MCCOOK CLINIC P.C. | 158.45 | ||||||||
MCCOOK DAILY GAZETTE | 56.25 | ||||||||
MID NEBRASKA ICE, INC | 241.32 | ||||||||
NE SAFETY & FIRE EQUIPMENT INC | 317.00 | ||||||||
NEBRASKA TRUCK CENTER, INC. | 392.09 | ||||||||
NORTH PLATTE TELEGRAPH | 435.00 | ||||||||
PALOS SPORTS, INC | 106.98 | ||||||||
PEARSON EDUCATION INC | 897.48 | ||||||||
PETTY CASH-GENERAL FUND HCPS | 647.68 | ||||||||
R&W REPAIR, LLC | 371.50 | ||||||||
REALLY GOOD STUFF INC | 250.97 | ||||||||
RENAISSANCE LEARNING INC | 724.50 | ||||||||
RIDLEN, STEVE | 2,593.26 | ||||||||
SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC | 705.10 | ||||||||
SCOOP MEDIA LLC | 398.54 | ||||||||
SOFTWARE UNLIMITED INC | 3,245.00 | ||||||||
SOUTHWEST PUBLIC POWER | 2,665.61 | ||||||||
THE CREATIVE TEACHER | 116.42 | ||||||||
THE SPORTS SHOPPE | 54.00 | ||||||||
TIME MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS | 295.60 | ||||||||
TOP OFFICE PRODUCTS | 14.99 | ||||||||
U. S. BANK | 382.87 | ||||||||
ULINE | 69.53 | ||||||||
UNITED ART AND EDUCATION | 64.38 | ||||||||
UPSTART | 51.90 | ||||||||
VIAERO | 68.53 | ||||||||
VILLAGE OF HAYES CENTER | 2,419.83 | ||||||||
WALMART COMMUNITY/GEMB | 256.81 | ||||||||
WARREN, BRETT | 2,625.00 | ||||||||
WRIGHT, ALICE | 106.75 | ||||||||
JULY GENERAL FUND PAYROLL | 118632.46 | ||||||||
Fund Total: | 162,313.34 |